October 29, 2014

Check out a TELESCOPE from SLPL

Although not exactly arts-related, we wanted everyone to know about this wonderful new collaboration.  Here are excerpts from the library's press release:

The St. Louis Public Library, along with St. Louis County, Kirkwood Public, and University City Libraries, is proud to announce an exciting partnership with the St. Louis Astronomical Society.  Beginning November 10, 2014, the Library Telescope Program will enable patrons age eighteen-years or older with a valid library card and state ID to check out a telescope for seven days.

Throughout the year, St. Louis Public Library and St. Louis County Library Branches and the Kirkwood and University City Libraries will also host star parties where the public can gather to view the wonders of the universe through telescopes.

Because of the cost of the telescopes, there are stringent requirements and restrictions when checking them out.  For all the details, call 314-539-0384.